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Managing test lists

6 min

How do you manage a test list in MyMip? #

Two types of test lists can be created in MyMip:

  • Pre-test list: Used to verify that a marketing campaign is working properly before it is sent to the effective contacts. This acts as a practice round to identify any problems.

  • Test List: Specific group of contacts added to a campaign to check for proper delivery and to verify processing of data and responses.

Test lists are crucial to the success of your marketing campaigns. They help you to:

  • Performance check: By using a pre-test list, you can ensure that your marketing campaign is performing well before it is sent to actual contacts.

  • Identify problems: A pre-test list allows you to identify and solve potential problems before they reach your actual target audience.

  • Verify results: With a test list, you can add specific groups of contacts to your campaign to check for proper campaign delivery and verify processing of data and responses.

Follow these steps to view, create and manage test lists.

Create, modify or delete test lists #

Navigate to test lists #

  1. On the left sidebar, click Settings (cog icon).

  2. Select Test User Lists to view available test lists and create new ones.

Create new list #

  1. Click the plus sign (+) next to the search bar.

  2. Enter the following information in the pop-up window:

    • Name: Give the new list a clear name.

    • Description: Briefly describe who will be listed.

    • Pretest: Indicate whether it is a pretest list.

Modify or delete list #

  • Customize list: Click the pencil icon to customize the list.

  • Delete list: Click the trash can icon to delete the list.

List search #

  • Using Search Bar: Use the search bar to find the list you want by entering the name of the list or part of it.

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