


Be guided

Our experts help you go beyond theory step by step. Together, we fuse your strategy and tactics into a practical whole that is continuously adjusted.

Get, Keep, Grow, Win-back 

Acquiring customers, retaining customers, increasing customer value or preventing customer turnover: together with you, we map out where your working points and ambitions lie. We test these insights against your actions and results. Looking back, analyzing, evaluating and then working hard together.


Coaching is knowledge sharing

Stratics is happy to share its experience and know-how with you. Together we will look for answers to specific questions that concern your organization:

  • How can we identify our customers
  • How can we best establish a dialogue with our customers
  • Which channels do I deploy for which customers (group)
  • What does an action really do for my strategy?
  • What is the effect on customers? On customer value?
  • What are realistic lenses?
  • In which customers should we invest more? In which ones should we invest less?
  • How can we better listen, adjust and optimize?
  • How do we work out optimal customer retention?
  • ...


Along on the field?
Observing on the sidelines?
Together we agree on the best form of guidance for your organization.
This is how we succeed in taking the right steps at the right time.
The goal?

Efficient data-driven marketing.

Want to know more?