

Privacy Statement of Stratics

1. Who is responsible for "processing" my personal data? 

2. What data does Stratics process about me? How does Stratics obtain this data? 

3. Why does Stratics process this data? Does Stratics have the right to do so?

4. How long does Stratics keep my personal data?

5. Does Stratics simply transfer my personal data to other organizations?

6. Will my personal data be transferred to countries that do not guarantee similar protection of personal data? 

1. Who is responsible for "processing" my personal data? 

The personal data you communicate to us, either explicitly or by automated means, are collected and processed by or on behalf of Stratics BVBA, with registered office at Kontichsesteenweg 38A, 2630 Aartselaar, company number VAT BE0896. 398.279, RPR Antwerpen, hereinafter referred to as "Stratics". 

 Stratics is the so-called "data controller" for the processing of personal data as defined in this Privacy Statement. 

In doing so, Stratics naturally complies with all legal obligations, including those contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (the "AVG", better known by its English acronym "GDPR") 

Thus, Stratics has appointed a Data Protection Officer, again better known by the acronym "DPO" (Data Protection Officer). The DPO not only assists Stratics to help it comply with all applicable regulations, but will also be your point of contact to inform and assist you with any questions or concerns regarding privacy and data protection. You can find our DPO's contact information at the bottom of this Privacy Statement. 

2. What data does Stratics process about me? How does Stratics obtain this data? 

As part of the services provided by Stratics, it is mandatory that certain personal data be provided, as this is the only way the agreement can be executed. If personal data is not provided, the Services cannot be offered.

In principle, we only process personal data that you provide to us yourself. However, sometimes this information is supplemented by publicly available information, such as that found on customer or prospect websites, the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises or information on LinkedIn profiles.

In principle, Stratics will not process sensitive data (special categories of personal data). Should this exceptionally be the case, your explicit consent will be requested in each case. 

Only certain data are collected automatically by "cookies" and other information-gathering systems, such as your IP address (which is strictly speaking personal data), browser type and language, the time of your visit and the web address from which you reached our website and mobile applications. More information about cookies can be found in our Cookie Statement. 

3. Why does Stratics process this data? Does Stratics have the right to do so? 

Stratics collects, records and processes personal data when necessary for the performance of the agreement entered into with Stratics. In addition, personal data are used to contact prospects, always in line with the specific regulations applicable to contacting data subjects. 

If necessary, Stratics may therefore use your personal data to contact you directly, by post, telephone or by electronic means, such as e-mail or SMS. When communicating by electronic mail, you will be offered the possibility to "unsubscribe" at any time, so that you will not receive electronic mail in the future (see also below: concerning your rights as a data subject).

4. How long does Stratics keep my personal data? 

Stratics retains your personal data only for as long as necessary for the purposes described. In this way, we also avoid storing irrelevant information. Since the contractual liability claim only expires after 10 years, we will archive certain data - for this purpose only - for this duration. As you can see below, you can always request us to delete certain data. Stratics will always follow up on this if the legal conditions to do so are met (see Article 8).

5. Does Stratics simply transfer my personal data to other organizations? 

No. Stratics does not transfer your personal data to third parties unless you have given your express consent. 

For the realization of the purposes described under Article 3, Stratics may engage so-called "processors". These will act exclusively on our behalf and will thus only be able to process your personal data on our instructions, within the framework we outline here. We also ensure that these processors ensure the same level of data protection security.

6. Will my personal data be transferred to countries that do not guarantee similar protection of personal data? 

No. Stratics collects your data in its databases and strives to protect that data in a market-compliant manner against any alteration, loss or unauthorized use. Stratics does not process personal data outside the European Union.

7. What rights can I exercise regarding my personal data? 

You can always oppose, free of charge and without justification, the intended processing of your data for direct marketing purposes. We always offer the option to do so in the communication we send out. 

Once your data has been collected and processed, you have the right to access this personal data, demand that it be corrected if it is inaccurate and, subject to justification, request that the personal data be deleted. 

In addition, you also have the right to request that the processing be "restricted" (in cases where an immediate deletion would be to your disadvantage, the personal data are then merely rendered inaccessible). It is also possible to transfer your actively provided personal data to another service provider. This is called the "right to data portability". 

Whenever processing is based on a legitimate interest of Stratics, you have the right to object to such processing. If the objection is justified, the processing will be stopped immediately. Where the processing is based on your consent, you always have the right to withdraw this consent, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to such withdrawal.

8. How can I specifically exercise these rights? 

To exercise your rights, you can easily contact us at dpo@stratics.be. Since we want to prevent third parties from requesting access to your personal data (or deleting it without your consent), we are obliged to verify the identity of the person making a request to us. We therefore kindly request that you send us a copy of the front of your identity card for verification purposes. 

If you have entered data in the Stratics 'Paas' ( Privacy as a Service) platform provided to you, you can always modify or delete this data yourself. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that this data is accurate. 

In addition, you are free to send a request to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by letter, to the address Kontichsesteenweg 38A, 2630 Aartselaar, accompanied by a copy of the front of your identity card. In this case, however, we kindly ask you to follow the procedure by e-mail whenever possible.

9. Can Stratics make changes to this Privacy Statement? 

This Privacy Statement will be amended periodically, including to update it to reflect changes in service or changes in legal and regulatory requirements. Changes take effect at the time of publication. We therefore recommend that you consult the most recent version when using the website. In case of important changes, we will also try to inform you by other means. 

10. Who can I contact if I am unclear or have any complaints? 

For questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can always contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO, Data Protection Officer), who has been specifically appointed, among other things, to act as contact person with respect to the persons whose data we process. You can contact our DPO by e-mail at dpo@stratics.be, by telephone at 0470/102 867 or by letter at Kontichsesteenweg 38A, 2630 Aartselaar. You can also contact the Data Protection Authority at any time with any questions or complaints (https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/contact).