
General conditions


1.1 Intellectual Property Rights: copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, drawings & models, sui generis database rights and all related rights. 1.2 Personal Data: personal data within the meaning of the law of July 30, 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.
1.3 Confidential Information: the contents of the general terms and conditions, the Intellectual Property Rights, the Personal Data and all other data, information and documents communicated by a party to the other party by any means (written, electronic, by fax, by magnetic means or otherwise). 


2.1 These General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all services and products provided by Stratics to Customer, unless expressly agreed otherwise. 2.2 The products and services to be provided by Stratics shall be described in an offer, invoice or similar document prepared or expressly approved by Stratics.
2.3 In the event of any conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the contents of an offer, invoice or similar document prepared or expressly approved by Stratics, these General Terms and Conditions shall prevail, unless the aforementioned documents expressly deviate from these General Terms and Conditions.
2.4 Customer acknowledges and accepts that its general and special terms and conditions shall not apply. 2.5 Stratics' commitments are obligations of means. 


3.1 The Agreement is for an indefinite term and may be terminated by either Party at any time upon three (3) months' notice, unless the Parties expressly agreed to a different term and notice.
3.2 Either Party may terminate the Agreement early and with immediate effect, without prior judicial intervention and without the need for prior notice if: 3.3.1 the other Party is in material breach of one or more of its obligations and has not rectified such breach within four (4) weeks after receipt of a written warning to this effect by the other Party, or if such breach occurs repeatedly; 3.3.2 the other party goes into bankruptcy or liquidation (provisional or otherwise), except in connection with a merger or reorganization, or if a receiver and/or administrator is appointed for any or all of its assets or if it enters into an arrangement or settlement with creditors; 3.3.3 the other party is acquired by a competitor of the terminating party or a competitor of the terminating party acquires control of the other party. 


4.1 All rates of Stratics are exclusive of VAT and/or transport costs. Stratics may adjust its rates subject to notice at least three (3) months before the new rates come into effect and provided that Stratics has a valid reason for doing so. Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the adjusted rates if it does not terminate the Agreement before the new rates come into effect.
4.2 To the extent Stratics' Services include rates charged by third parties, Stratics reserves the right to pass on to Customer the adjustments and indexations made by such third parties.
4.4 Customer shall pay Stratics' invoices within thirty (30) calendar days of the invoice date.
4.5 Failure to file a written protest of an invoice within fourteen (14) calendar days from the invoice date shall constitute irrevocable acceptance of the invoice and the amounts and services specified therein. The filing of any protest or complaint against Stratics, shall not relieve the Customer from its payment obligation.
4.6 If the invoice is not paid (in full) on the due date, the Customer shall automatically and without any notice of default owe contractual interest of 1% per started month, plus an administrative surcharge of EUR 250 per unpaid invoice. 


5.1 All stated or agreed delivery dates are indicative only. In any event, Stratics shall never be liable for delays attributable to the Customer or to third parties involved in or required for the performance of the Services.
5.2 If the Customer does not accept (part of) the delivery, it shall give reasons for its refusal in writing after delivery, specifying precisely the reasons for the refusal. After written, motivated and timely refusal, Stratics will correct any defects and resubmit the delivery via for acceptance to the Customer, who must again accept/reject as described above.
5.3 The Customer shall be deemed to have implicitly accepted the delivery of Stratics' services when it (i) refuses the delivery late or not motivated, (ii) does not cooperate sufficiently with the acceptance test so that it cannot take place or cannot take place in full, or (iii) uses Stratics' services in a live environment. 5.4 After an (implicit) acceptance of Stratics' services by Customer, Customer may no longer formulate any claims against Stratics in connection with the quality of the delivered services or timeliness of deliveries. 


6.1 Customer acknowledges and accepts that the success of Stratics' delivery of the Services depends in part on proper cooperation by Customer. Thus, the Customer shall provide Stratics with all information, documentation, documents and access(s) requested by Stratics or necessary to allow Stratics to perform its obligations under the Agreement.
6.2 The Customer shall at all times make all possible reasonable efforts materially, technologically and HR-wise to comply with Stratics' requests and instructions regarding the Services, within a reasonable time. In particular, the Customer shall ensure that sufficient personnel are available who are competent and decision-makers in order to deal with Stratics and supervise the project.
6.3 Inadequate or late cooperation by the Customer will have a delaying effect on any applicable schedule. In such case, Stratics shall have the right to suspend or postpone the schedule with respect to the services to be provided. 


7.1 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, each Party shall remain the owner or holder of its Confidential Information, Intellectual Property Rights, Personal Data and all tangible and intangible property (including software, databases and database structures), which it owns or holds prior to this Agreement and which it provides, makes available or makes accessible to or develops for the other Party in connection with the performance of this Agreement. This Agreement does not constitute a transfer of Confidential Information, Intellectual Property Rights, Personal Data or any other tangible or intangible property.
7.2 Each Party grants to the other Party, during the term of this Agreement, a right of use to all Confidential Information, Intellectual Property Rights, Personal Data and all tangible and intangible property that it provides, makes available or makes accessible to or develops for the other Party in connection with the execution of this Agreement. This right of use is strictly limited to: (i) for Stratics: the performance of the Agreement, and (ii) for Customer: the use of the services provided by Stratics for internal business operations, to the exclusion of further commercialization by Customer of such services and subject to compliance with the terms described in the quotation, invoice or similar document prepared or expressly approved by Stratics.
7.3 Each party shall indemnify the other party against all claims and for all damages arising from the provision, making available, access to or development for the other party of Confidential Information, Intellectual Property Rights, Personal Data and other tangible and intangible property, within the limits provided in Article 10. 


8.1 If Customer enters into agreements with third parties that may impact Stratics' delivery of the Services, Customer shall: 8.1.1 always contractually notify the relevant third party that Stratics has been appointed as the supervising and coordinating manager of Customer's marketing database(s). The Customer shall confirm in writing to Stratics that the third party has been contractually notified of this. 8.1.2 verify in advance with Stratics that the data sources and any other services provided by such third parties can be seamlessly incorporated into this Agreement. 8.1.3 to provide Stratics and affected third parties with copies of any written communications that may impact Stratics' delivery of the Services.
8.2 In the event that the Customer fails to comply with the foregoing obligations, Stratics shall not be held responsible nor liable if the non-compliance impacts the scheduling and quality of the Services provided by Stratics. 8.3 Stratics can only be held responsible for relationships or agreements between the Customer and third parties, provided that Stratics has given its prior, written and express consent. 


9.1 Stratics shall ensure that staff members required to perform the obligations under this Agreement are qualified for their particular discipline and have been briefed on the safety and security procedures related to the obligations Stratics is required to fulfill under this Agreement. Stratics undertakes that its personnel will perform the work with the requisite skill, care and diligence.
9.2 Stratics warrants that each member of its personnel involved in providing this service has undertaken to maintain confidentiality or is bound by an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality.
9.3 Stratics will make every reasonable effort to ensure the continuity of available, designated personnel, but it may at any time replace personnel with other personnel of equivalent competence. Customer may request Stratics, in writing and at its discretion, to remove a Stratics staff member from the project and replace him or her with another qualified Stratics staff member, provided that Customer does not unreasonably exercise this right. 


10.1 Subject to what follows, in no event shall each party be liable for indirect damages, by which the parties mean loss of data, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of clientele, loss of opportunity, loss of opportunity and damage to reputation.
10.2 The total liability of Stratics under the Master Service Contract shall in any event be limited to the amount invoiced to the Customer for the services performed by Stratics that gave rise to the damage in question.
10.3 The foregoing liability arrangements shall apply to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, irrespective of the applicable liability regime and even in cases of gross misconduct. 


Stratics agrees not to print, publish or disclose any information about the customer or its activities or the work or agreements covered by the Master Service Contact without the prior consent of the customer. Stratics may, however, use the customer's logo, brand, name or emblem as a customer reference in its own communications. 


12.1 Each party shall keep the Confidential Information received from the other party strictly confidential. Thus, each party receiving Confidential Information from the other party shall: 12.1.1 use the Confidential Information only for and in the context of the performance of and in accordance with the Agreement, and not use it for any other purpose, either in whole or in part; 12.1.2 not communicate the Confidential Information to third parties, except to its employees or subcontractors provided and to the extent necessary to allow them to perform their lawful duties; 12.1.3 prior to any communication of the Confidential Information, make the recipients of the Confidential Information aware of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information and impose on them the same obligations as those to which the receiving Party is bound under this Article; 12.1.4 effectively and adequately secure the Confidential Information; 12.1.5 immediately notify the other Party if it becomes aware of any instance of access, possession, use, knowledge or attempted access to any Confidential Information by any unauthorized person;
12.2 Upon termination of an Annex, for any reason, the receiving Party shall return all Confidential Information obtained from the other Party under the relevant Annex, without keeping copies thereof. An exception to this obligation exists for any backups of data that each party cannot reasonably delete immediately. Such backups will be gradually deleted after the end of an attachment in accordance with the applicable backup policy and will remain confidential until their deletion.
12.3 This confidentiality clause applies only to the extent that the Confidential Information is not part of the public knowledge or literature, unless this is due to a breach of this clause by the receiving party. It shall also not apply if third parties have provided the Confidential Information to the Receiving Party without an obligation of confidentiality and, so far as the Receiving Party could reasonably ascertain, such third parties were not directly or indirectly imposed such restrictions by the other Party.
12.4 The confidentiality obligation shall apply during the term of the Agreement and for six (6) months after its termination or expiration. The confidentiality obligation continues for backups until their removal in accordance with Article 12.2. 


13.1 Indien de klant in het kader van deze overeenkomst Persoonsgegevens overmaakt aan Stratics, zal Stratics deze Persoonsgegevens verwerken als verwerker en is de klant de verantwoordelijke voor de verwerking, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders schriftelijk overeengekomen. Indien Stratics als verantwoordelijke voor de verwerking optreedt, is de privacyverklaring die u via de link kan vinden van toepassing.
13.2 De klant garandeert dat hij de Persoonsgegevens verwerkt in overeenstemming met alle toepasselijke wetsbepalingen en dat hij rechtmatig de Persoonsgegevens aan Stratics kan overmaken om deze laatste toe te laten de betrokken diensten aan de klant te leveren. De klant vrijwaart Stratics tegen alle aanspraken of vorderingen tegen Stratics uit hoofde van de verwerking door Stratics van de door de klant aan Stratics meegedeelde Persoonsgegevens.
13.3 Stratics verwerkt de Persoonsgegevens in naam en voor rekening van de klant met het oog op de levering van diensten onder de overeenkomst. Stratics zal de Persoonsgegevens niet voor andere doeleinden aanwenden, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders schriftelijk overeengekomen.
13.4 Stratics zal, rekening houdend met de aard van de verwerking, de klant bijstand verlenen bij het vervullen van diens plicht om verzoeken van betrokkenen, in uitoefening van hun rechten onder de toepasselijke gegevensbeschermingswetgeving, te beantwoorden, door middel van passende technische en organisatorische maatregelen in de mate van het mogelijke.
13.5 Stratics zal rekening houdend met de aard van de verwerking en de aan Stratics ter beschikking staande informatie, de klant bijstand verlenen bij het nakomen van de verplichtingen onder de toepasselijke gegevensbeschermingswetgeving met betrekking tot de beveiliging van de verwerking, de melding van een inbreuk in verband met persoonsgegevens aan de toezichthoudende autoriteit en, indien relevant, betrokkenen, de uitvoering van gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordelingen, indien dit vereist is en bij de voorafgaande raadpleging van de toezichthoudende autoriteit.
13.6 Stratics zal de klant alle informatie ter beschikking stellen die nodig is om de nakoming van de hier neergelegde verplichtingen aan te tonen en bijdragen aan audits, waaronder inspecties, uitgevoerd door de klant of een door de klant gemachtigde controleur.
13.7 Stratics zal passende technische en organisatorische beveiligingsmaatregelen nemen tegen het verlies, de aantasting van de integriteit of de ongeoorloofde toegang tot de Persoonsgegevens. Deze maatregelen zullen, met inachtneming van de stand der techniek en de kosten gemoeid met de implementatie en de uitvoering van de maatregelen, een passend beschermingsniveau verzekeren, met inachtneming van de risico’s die het verwerken van de Persoonsgegevens, en de aard daarvan, meebrengen.
13.8 De Klant aanvaardt dat Stratics subverwerkers kan inschakelen in het kader van de levering door Stratics van haar diensten aan de klant. Stratics zal aan deze subverwerkers minstens dezelfde verplichtingen opleggen als zij opgelegd krijgt onder dit artikel.
13.9 Sommige van deze subverwerkers kunnen zich in landen bevinden buiten de Economische Europese Ruimte (EER), voornamelijk de Verenigde Staten. In dat geval geeft de Klant hierbij aan Stratics de volmacht om namens de Klant alle maatregelen te nemen, waaronder het tekenen van de Europese modelbepalingen namens de Klant, om ervoor te zorgen dat er een adequaat beschermingsniveau bestaat in het derde land. De Klant garandeert dat, voor zover vereist, de betrokkenen van deze doorgifte worden ingelicht.
13.10 In geval van opzegging of einde, om welke reden ook, van de overeenkomst, zal Stratics op schriftelijk verzoek van de klant alle Persoonsgegevens van de klant (met inbegrip van gearchiveerde data) en documentatie binnen de dertig (30) werkdagen terug bezorgen aan de klant op voorwaarde dat (i) alle openstaande facturen werden betaald en (ii) de klant de kosten verbonden aan de teruggave vergoedt, tenzij de opslag van deze Persoonsgegevens wordt opgelegd door het unierecht. Op deze verplichting bestaat een uitzondering voor geanonimiseerde geaggregeerde data en eventuele back-ups van data die Stratics redelijkerwijs niet onmiddellijk kan verwijderen. Dergelijke back-ups zullen na het einde van de overeenkomst gradueel worden verwijderd conform de geldende back-up policy en blijven tot hun verwijdering vertrouwelijk.
13.11 Stratics zal in zulk geval eveneens op schriftelijk verzoek van de klant, de klant bijstaan en inlichtingen verschaffen over de terug bezorgde Persoonsgegevens en documentatie om de klant toe te laten de data op een andere locatie opnieuw te activeren.
13.12 Tijdens de duur van de overeenkomst kan de klant op elk moment Stratics op schriftelijk wijze om een extractie van de Persoonsgegevens verzoeken. Stratics zal de klant een kopie van de Persoonsgegevens bezorgen binnen de in artikel 13.7 vermelde termijnen en voorwaarden.
13.13 De klant aanvaardt dat Stratics de Persoonsgegevens kan gebruiken op geanonimiseerde en geaggregeerde basis voor statistische en wetenschappelijke doeleinden. 


Customer may not assign or subcontract all or part of this Agreement to any third party without Stratics' prior written consent. 


15.1 For the duration of this agreement and twelve (12) months after its termination or expiration, each party shall be prohibited from directly or indirectly (i) recruiting or hiring (or attempting to recruit or hire) subcontractors, employees or personnel of the other party who were involved in the performance of this agreement, whether as employees or self-employed, (ii) inducing or encouraging them to perform any work on behalf of any third party with whom that party is affiliated.
15.2 In case of violation of the aforementioned obligation, the breaching party shall be liable to pay the following liquidated damages to the other party: fifty (50) percent of the gross annual compensation of the person concerned in case of direct or indirect recruitment or inducement or encouragement to work for an affiliated third party, twenty-five (25) percent of the gross annual compensation of the person concerned in case of attempted recruitment or hiring. 


Neither party shall be liable for any delay in or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement if it results from any cause beyond the reasonable control of the party. This includes (without limitation): war, terrorism, riots, vandalism, fire, governmental action, power or telecommunications network failures, viruses, Internet blackouts, strikes, default of a subcontractor, lockouts or labor disputes or the fear thereof (whether or not a settlement is within the jurisdiction of the party in question) and which the party in question cannot resolve with due diligence and care. 


17.1 This Agreement contains the entire and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties with the same subject matter.
17.2 Stratics may unilaterally modify these Terms and Conditions at any time provided it has valid reason to do so. The latest version of the General Terms and Conditions can be viewed on the website.
17.3 These General Terms and Conditions do not affect any rights or remedies that the parties may have at law.
17.4 If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is declared invalid, this shall have no effect on the remaining provisions of the General Terms and Conditions. In such case, the parties shall replace the provision declared invalid by a new provision that is as close as possible to the original intention of the parties.
17.5 The General Terms and Conditions, the offer, invoice and any similar document drawn up or expressly approved by Stratics contain all agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter. They supersede all prior oral or written agreements, proposals, statements or communications between the parties relating to the same subject matter.
17.6 The Agreement shall be governed exclusively by Belgian law and only the Antwerp Commercial Court shall have jurisdiction over any dispute between the parties. However, Stratics shall always be entitled to bring a dispute before the court of the Customer's registered office/residence.