
MIP is designed to bring together data from various sources into a single platform, providing a 360° view of customers, prospects, and other types of contacts.

Data reading, retrieval and modification can be done via API as well as batch processes.

What data can you collect? 

  • personal data: name, first name, gender, language, date of birth, address, e-mail, phone numbers,... .
  • interactions: all interactions between the consumer and the brand are captured. email received and read, contact with support, an SMS received, a subscription to a contest, a registration on the website, a visit to a store or a trade show, ... all these interactions are stored and allow you to correctly map your customer's behavior. 
  • permissions: all registrations around how and for what a contact does or does not want to be contacted.
  • unique IDs from different systems (e.g., from a cash register or accounting system), ...
  • survey responses
  • ...

The MIP includes a campaign-management module so that an orderly record can be kept of who received what communications and how they responded to them.

 The MIP Data Privacy Vault (DPV) allows consumers to self-manage their data and permissions to a certain extent.

Data are not only stored, but also improved where necessary and possible. This through address recognition, standardization, normalization, deduplication, checks against reference lists, ...

Stratics' customers can query their own database directly and search and manage consumer data via a GUI (MyMip).

A system of roles & permissions allows certain data to be hidden from some users.

A Selector tool allows Stratics customers to select and export their own target groups.