
Data-driven marketing


What about my organization ?

Data-driven work is working based on facts. These facts arise as collected data is analyzed. This information, combined with the knowledge and experience of employees, then forms insights. By making decisions based on these insights, you ensure that the organization becomes data-driven.

However, setting up a data-driven organization takes a lot of time and resources. This is something not all companies can or want to invest in. Stratics helps you set up and execute the entire process.


A data-driven way of working ensures that you know faster when something is going well or not going well. This makes it possible to adjust processes faster, discover patterns in customer behavior and even predict them. In short: you know which pain points to avoid and which opportunities to use to achieve the desired result.



How do I begin?

It is important to realize that data-driven work is not a final destination but an ongoing process. Every process you optimize gives you insights that you can use to make new improvements. And those insights also give you an ever better picture of your own organization and the behavior of your customers and prospects.

Let's get started

The data-driven marketing approach doesn't exist. The right approach for your company depends on what goal you want to achieve (with data). Together we work out a plan of approach in which the objective of your organization is mapped out together with the available and required data. On this basis, we work out the concrete steps needed to collect the relevant flow of data for your company in one central location: Stratics' customer data platform, the MIP.

Once the data is centralized, the data-driven coaching can begin. Here it is important to choose actions that deliver quick results but also contribute to your long-term goals. Stratics guides you on how to realize the set goals in an achievable way.

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