
Add postretour manually

< 1 min

How do you add a return to a postal address through MyMip? #

You have received a mail return and want to register it with a contact. Follow the steps below to do this.

Contact Search #

  • Log into MyMip.

  • Search for the contact using the search field at the top of the page or the search option in the contacts module. See also Search for contact.

  • Under the contacts module, navigate to the "All Touchpoints" tab.

Add Postretour #

  • Next to the postal address where you want to register the return, click on the three dots and choose "Bounce.

  • A screen appears on the right (Bounces) where you can see at the top how many bounces (returns) have already been registered.
  • Enter the date of the return in the field and click 'Add Bounce'.

    Note: You can only add a postal return to a postal address to which a postal mailing was effectively sent (cf. mailing interaction).

  • When you reopen the 'Bounces' screen later, the bounce counter at the top has increased by 1.

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