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Stratics webforms introduction

1 min reading time

Discover the power of Stratics web forms for smooth interaction! #

Streamline data management, contest entries and event participation effortlessly with direct data transfer to Mip. Personalize URLs with custom domains for brand consistency and trust.

Customize forms to fit your brand identity and needs, from colors to data collection. Choose between personalized or generic forms and integrate seamlessly with Mip Target for targeted communications. Gain insights and trigger follow-up actions directly within Mip. Real-time data integration keeps you informed every step of the way. Unlock the power of web forms for smoother interactions and increased engagement!

  • Data validation and enrichment
  • Contest entries, events...
  • Real-time data integration in Mip
  • Personalization
  • In line with brand identity
  • Use of own subdomain possible

For more information, please feel free to contact us!

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