Table of contents
How do I add an interaction to a contact through MyMip? #
You have had an interaction with a contact and want to add it. E.g. an appointment, a complaint, a request for information... Follow the steps below to do this.
Contact search #
Log into MyMip.
Search for the contact using the search field at the top of the page or the search option in the contacts module. See also Search for contact.
Add interaction #
Under the contacts module, navigate to the Interactions tab.
- Next, go to the "Interactions" tab.
Right-click the plus sign to add an interaction.
- A screen appears on the right where you can add more information:
- Date: the current date and time is automatically entered. If the interaction took place earlier, you can change it manually.
- Type: Below are the types that can be added in this specific database. E.g. CRM, specific action/event....
- Events: Event linked to the type. E.g. appointment, email or phone received....
- cmpintID: The ID of the campaign interaction. this is a technical data and is filled in automatically.
- Note: Add any additional information relevant to the interaction.
- All touchpoints: Here, choose the touchpoint to which the itner action is linked (e.g. email address, phone number...).
Click 'Save' to save the interaction. It then appears in the overview.
Note: Which types/events are available may vary from database to database. If you wish to add specific interactions that are not yet available, these can always be provided.