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De-duplication | Overview of activated services

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Where can I see in MyMip which deduplication services are activated in the database? #

You want to know which deduplication services are activated or not in your database. The overview is consultable in MyMip. To do so, follow the steps below.

Go to DQ module #

  • Log into MyMip.

  • Go to the DQ module.

Overview of deduplication services #

  • Under the DQ module, navigate to the "Dedups" tab.

  • You get an overview of all available dedups with the following information:
    • ID: Every dedup in Mip has a unique ID.
    • Activated
      • Checkmark: The dedup service is activated in the database.
      • Cross: the dedup services is neit activated in the database.
    • DedupType:
      • Individual: dedup service at the individual level.
      • Relation: dedup service at the relationship level.
      • Social: Dedup service at the social entity level.
      • Description: brief description of the dedup service

If you have questions about a specific deduplication service or wish to activate additional services, please contact Stratics.

Also take a look at the general deduplication services offerings page. 

Results of services can be found in the DQ monitor.

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