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Permissions overview

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Where can I find all the permissions of a contact in MyMip? #

You want to view all permissions of a contact. There is an overview of this in MyMip. Follow the steps below to consult it.

Contact search #

  1. Log into MyMip.

  2. Search for the contact using the search field at the top of the page or the search option in the contacts module. See also Search for contact.

Overview permissions #

  1. Under the contacts module, navigate to the Permissions tab.

  2. Next, go to the "Permissions" tab.
  3. Here you get an overview of all permissions available for this contact with following information:

    • Channel: E-mail, postal mail, phone...
    • Permission: Name of the specific permission (e.g., newsletters, general...).
    • Opt-in:
      • I = opt-in
      • O = opt-out
    • Update: Time when the permission was last updated.

Calculated permissions #

Permissions work according to a tree structure: a parent permission affects the underlying permissions. For example, a general opt-in or opt-out automatically applies to all underlying permissions. Unless an underlying permission has been modified more recently, then it takes priority

  1. Under the contacts module, navigate to the Permissions tab.

  2. Next, go to theCalculated permissionstab.
  3. Click the arrow next to the drop-down list to select the desired channel (e.g., email).

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